The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ “ CorpusChristi" - St. John Vianney on the Mass and the Eucharist
A saint has told us that one day at Mass he saw Jesus Christ with His hands full of gifts, looking for souls to whom he might give them.
When we go to Communion we experience an extraordinary feeling of comfort which seems to envelope us entirely. What is this but Our Lord communicating Himself to every part of our being, and making us thrill with joy? We are obliged to exclaim like St. John: "It is the Lord!”
Every consecrated Host is made to burn itself up with love in a human heart.
Put together all the good works of the whole world of mankind, including those of saints, the martyrs and of Our Lady herself. Compare them with a single Mass and they arc as nothing.
How pleasing to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament is the short quarter of an hour that steals from our occupations, from something of no use, to come and pray to Him, to visit Him, to console Him.
Are we in affliction? Says John Chrysostom; we shall find all manner of consolation at Mass. Are we tempted? Let us hear Holy Mass, and we shall find there a way of overcoming the devil.
A saint has told us that if we had the happiness of assisting often and devoutly at Mass, we should have far more blessings - spiritually - and even for our temporal affairs.
When we have the holy banquet of Communion, we are as happy as the wise men would have been if they could have carried away the Infant Jesus.
Do not be afraid of people saying that going to Mass on a weekday is only for those who have nothing to do... Are you ashamed to serve God for fear of being despised?
Grieve over the contempt cast upon Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, and try to make amends for it by a greater and more ardent love.
People talk about Lazarus who had the joy of entertaining the Divine Savior in his home; but Lazarus only had Him by his side, while we, if we will, may have Him in our hearts just as often as we wish.
Our Lord is hidden in the Blessed Sacrament, waiting for us to come and visit Him... See how good He is! If He had appeared before us now in all His glory, we should not have dared to approach Him; but He hides Himself like one in prison, saying: “You do not see Me, but that does not matter; ask Me for all you want."