REFLECTION: SPENDING TIME Stewardship of time is one of the three interlinked dimensions of our call to stewardship. Just as with our financial resources, we talk about spending time, saving time, and wasting time. But how well do we steward our time, or use it in a way that reflects our gratitude to God for every hour of every day? According to the latest government survey, the average American spends about 5 hours of “spare” time each day in these activities: 2.8 hours watching TV, 38 minutes socializing and communicating, 20 minutes reading, 20 minutes using the computer for fun, 17 minutes participating in sports, exercise, active recreation, 16 minutes relaxing and thinking, 20 minutes on “other activities”(Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics)How do you use your leisure time? Where do your priorities lie? How much time do you give back to God—in prayer, study, volunteering in the parish? “Teach us to count our days aright, that we may gain wisdom of heart.” (Psalm 90:12)
APPEAL UPDATE Our Stewardship Appeal continues to be very well received by the people of St. Daniel . To date, 148 households have increased their weekly contribution in response to the letter from Monsignor Yennock, representing a combined weekly increase of $1,086.25. The average increase in the weekly offering is $7.34. If you have not already done so, please use the special Stewardship envelope to indicate your new level of giving, and return to your regular envelope packet for succeeding weeks.
ELECTRONIC GIVING If you are interested in receiving information on our Electronic Giving Program, please contact the parish office.